- Install network-manager-openvpn-gnome
- Download the vpn-config.zip ( http://hidemyass.com/vpn-config/vpn-config.zip )
- Download the linux installer ( https://vpn.hidemyass.com/linux.zip )
- Create vpn folder (e.g. ~/vpn)
- Extract both zip files there
- Open network-manager (System->Preferences->Network Connections)
- Go to VPN tab
- Import the *.ovpn entry for the location you wish to connect
- Edit the entry and change the "Type" to Password with Certificates (TLS)
- The gateway and cert/keys should already be populated from the import
- Add your vpn username and password
- Apply
- Use the network icon in the panel to navigate to your VPN entry and connect
Source: http://wiki.hidemyass.com/Tutorials:HMA_VPN_via_OpenVPN_on_Ubuntu_with_Network_Manager